Monday, January 12, 2009


(4) One day, there was an old lady outside my house holding 2 packets of sweets. At first I thought she was our neighbor and wanted to give us these packs of sweets as a gift. But then when she spoke, I can realize that she was foreigner. I could not understand what she was talking about. I guessed she must be asking for money. I sensed there was something wrong and immediately closed the door and ignored her. Later, I found she and an accomplice robbed someone else down the road.

(5) I was at the ATM machine to withdraw some money. Behind me, there was an old lady. She asked me whether I was able to withdraw my money because she said she had problem with her machine. Suddenly a small girl came up beside me. The small girl was squeezing in front of me. I thought she was just naughty and playful. But then, the small girl put her hand at the tray of the ATM machine where the money comes out; ready to take away my money. I sensed something wrong and immediately pushed her away. Later I realized that the small girl and the old lady worked together. She was trying to steal my money while the old lady was trying to distract my attention by asking me questions!

REMEMBER: BE VERY CAREFUL when you are at an ATM machine and be alert. Look out for anyone suspicious around you!

(6) My parents are retired and stay at home most days. One afternoon, a young stranger went to their house and said his motorcycle had no more petrol and the petrol station was too far for him to push his bike there. So he asked my parents for an empty coke bottle to buy some petrol. He said he will pay RM2 for the bottle. So my mum took one coke bottle for him. He really took out the money from his pocket, but it was a RM 100 note. He told my mum he had no small change and asked my mum to give him the change. Luckily my mum was smart. She just told him to take it for free.

REMEMBER: obviously that note is fake!! Who would want to pay for RM2 for an empty coke bottle!! It's very OBVIOUS that that stranger is a trickster.

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